Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Ibiza / Chandras Birthday / Barcelona

I have been a very bad blogger as of late, however life has been nothing of interest for months now; it is just starting to get there. From march to may I was working as a waitress and studying for end of year exams in London. As soon as I finished uni I went to Ibiza and worked some more as a waitress in a beach bar for the three summer months of june, july and august. I figure in my life I have now carried more than a million plates in various restaurants in England and now Spain. Whilst doing this nothing of particular interest happened I was just working and saving; so not going out loads either.

Towards the end of the summer one of my best friends has her birthday, and as she works in nightclubs dancing our group of friends from Ibiza always have a reunion in a club and generally we all enter free, sit in the VIP and take lots of drugs. I hate to give Ibiza this sterotypically bad name, but it is only an annual event and who isn't partial to a little MDMA punch once in a while? Ibiza wasn't like that for me all summer anyways, just so you know.

So this year Chandrita was 21. I didn't even see that much of her during the night, spending most of the time at the staff bar with everyone and dancing with Sophie and Maya in the centre of Amnesia. The punch was insane and I knew I had work the next day but I didn't care; so I took a few shots. I have never had any drug that felt quite so good .. I literally floated round the club feeling as if I weighed nothing at all, it was incredible.

Before we knew it, it was about 7 or 8 am and time to leave. Maya, her boyfriend, another random guy Sophie and I all headed out together in the same car. Everyone had copious ammounts of alcohol and MDMA in their systems, including Maya, the driver.

As we pulled out onto the Autovia, who should be there but the Guardia Civil, checking any cars they wanted. As we were full of under- 25s you can guess what happened. No licence, no Identification and a breathaliser that showed her way over the limit and we were looking at being stuck there and the driver in jail. Maya called a friend Dean to drive over and pick us up, Dean is a crazy party animal, however doesn't drink alcohol so he was cool to drive us. We waited whilst Maya did the test again after ten minutes. Same result, as she had no ID the only passage out of the Guardia Civil layby was 250 Eurazos, (big euros). Everyone clubbed together and coincidentally the total sum of everyones money was exactly what we needed,

Only problem was of course, that there were now 6 of us to fit in Deans car. By this point it was about 930am and I was starting to wonder whether I would make it work at 1030.. so I said I would crouch in the back so the Guardias only saw 3 heads. Luck finally came back on our side and they let us go, happy with their dollar.

The story ends here for everyone else, we all went back to the guy whose name I can't remembers house, and I asked Dean to take me into Santa (the nearest town) where I would get my daily lift into work on the back of my colleaugue Barneys motorbike. Barney and myself met for coffee, I recounted the crazy night and then we headed off. I don't quite know what happened, whether it was the grit on the road, the speed we were going or if I actually nodded off on the back of the motorbike but suddenly when we turned the corner we ended on the ground.

It was only a fall but when we got up I could see Barneys ankle bone and his whole forearm was cut. My knee was covered in blood. We got back on and continued to work. When we arrived Barney got taken to the doctors and I began to set up the restaurant, after an hour or two I was feeling royally shit and went for a ciggarette and began to cry (what a baby.) And here the story ends; I got sent home and slept until 930pm. During august I had taken another job after the beach which finished around 7 or 8pm in a Pizzeria. This started at 9pm. So I lost that job by sleeping through it and shortly afterwards finished working at the beach for the end of the season. Isn't it funny sometimes you can have a very boring period of your life and all of sudden so many absurb and random things happen to you in the space of 24 hours.

As an english girl who was born in Spain and lived in Ibiza perhaps 35 or 40% of my life (all added together) I now face one year in Barcelona studying abroad, and going to school in Spain for the first time since Guarderia (Nursery.) What happened with the 250euro fine is a typical example of some of the differrences between England and Spain, however when I came over two days ago on the flight to Barca I managed to save myself 120 english pounds for an overweight suitcase by giving the guy at the check in a tenner. So this really does happen in England too. The world never ceases to amaze me. I could write a whole other blog on the differences between England and Spain but I think you may be losing interest already, and perhaps it's best to save that for when I've been in Barcelona a little longer and can tell you from this perspective.
Wish me luck and love and peace to you all X