Saturday, 9 January 2010

Yesterday was my mums 61st birthday, it's the same day as Elvis Presely and just after the last day of the Xmas season. She usually tries to make a party after the party season is over and last year everyone appreciated it. However this year we just went for a quiet family dinner.

My mum really is a character. A lot of my friends love her and say "I wish my mum was more like yours." I do see where they were coming from, she doesn't give me grief about going out, smoking, partying, ect and never has done, even when I was too young to even do those things. She lets me make my own choices. On the down side however she is loud, embarassing, and always seems to be in"Have you noticed me" mode as she would say.

So, my siblings and I all managed to arrive at the pub and sit ourselves down for late lunch. My sister has two kids, and her friend turned up with her son so there were three terrors running around and ruining anyones idea of a quiet mid afternoon pint.

Nothing interesting really happened at the lunch, we ate, drank, and after everyone went home. My sister was talking about a new guy she likes which made me happy, and she really had gone into obsessive girl analytical mode. Then I started thinking about things. How is it that my mum, at 61 has a young, not neccesarily unnattractive, attentive and keen boyfriend, but her two daughters, 32 and 21 cannot pull a muscle between them? It really sucks. I don't know why but it really seems to me that there are many things wrong with our generation. We spend too much time on sites like facebook, myspace, bebo, and youtube, couple that time with smoking marijuana and friends, and no one gets laid. Really, I am convinced there is a large lack of sex at the moment for young people. However I may be wrong. I'm sure though, that my mum never text her boyfriend, blogged about him, or sent him a facebook message. I think these ways of communicating, which are supposed to enhance your social life actually cripple it.

I'm not entirely sure what the reason for this blog was. But I think it's neccesary to publish it.

1 comment:

  1. Your adding more things with these bloggs to distract you from getting laid. LOl
